Boo! Are you ready to scare the living beejeebus out of yourself for the greater good? 

It’s just one way Portland Area Lieutenant Governors have decided would be a great kick off social for the new school year. So why not join them this Saturday and bond over scary corn and other spooky surprises that may arise!

  • Saturday October 13th
  • time: 8:00pm-11:00pm
  • place: Sauvie’s Island

MIRACLE MINUTE. After getting through the maze, all attendee’s will participate in a one minute Miracle Minute, donating any and all change and monies to Project Educate! The division that raises the most will receive 15 P.E wristbands and T-shirt and possibly get to sabotage their Lieutenant Governor!

So don’t be that sore thumb and bring some change and bills! And sorry aspiring pirates, diamonds and loot don’t count, unless… Anyhoo, definitely be in for a terrifying good deed ah-MAZE-ing (hehe CORNy, huh? :D)night at the Haunted Corn Maze!

And don’t worry! No one will care when you cry for mommy going through the corn maze! Sacrifices for Project Educate are understandable! 🙂


Please purchase your tickets here (if you buy together with friends it’ll be cheaper) and figure out transportation amongst yourselves. (ask your Lt.G if you want/need a ride)


They will be meeting outside the ticket booth at 8:30 and go into the maze at around 8:45!Some IMPORTANT notes: WEAR RUBBER BOOTS. do not wear shoes or pants that won’t wash easily or that you love. it WILL get dirty. Also, for those that are driving, try to get towels that you can set down on the floor of your car cause it’ll guaranteed get muddy.

Interested? Check out their facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/347597022000627/?fref=ts

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